A review by bourbontrailbookfairy
Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


"My body is just a vessel that my soul inhabits, attached to a shell that it'll one day leave. And when that day comes, I won't care to let that shell go. I carry my body around because I have to, not because it's a choice. But when possess something meaningful, I'm choosing to hold on to it. Carrying something meaningful in my skin is effortless but holding onto something that I could lose-that takes devotion."


Omg omg what do I say….. I loved Christian Grey but move over GREY…. give me Zade…. He may be evil but so good at the same time for the world….

Don’t wait on this book…. Some moments in book some may not like but remember it’s a BOOK…. One with an incredible story… mystery of an unsolved COLD CASE

So glad I read it…. Can’t wait to read book 2.

Ends with Cliffhanger FYI….