A review by shane_tiernan
Illusion by Paula Volsky


I loved Volsky's [b:The Grand Ellipse|599160|The Grand Ellipse|Paula Volsky|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1390586227l/599160._SY75_.jpg|585783], so I had high hopes for this. Unfortunately it just dragged and didn't really get anywhere. I gave it 160 pages, but after 2 or 3 reading sessions that all ended in me wanted to start skimming in hopes of getting on with the story, I gave up. Her writing is beautiful, but in this case, everything just took twice as long as it should. The "French" names were also problematic because I couldn't pronounce most of them and there were way too many of them, so I immediately lost track of who was who.

I would give other books from her a chance, but this one I couldn't finish.