A review by smuttea_matcha
Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop


I love this series, but the pace that Simon and Meg move romantically is killing me. I thought Kate and Curran were slow in Ilona Andrews's Kate Daniels series, but god damn. THEY HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED YET!
SpoilerThat damn kiss on her jaw doesn't count, Bishop!
I always enjoy reading Meg's interactions with the Others because they're all so distinct. Her friendship with Vlad, Henry, the Elementals, and Tess are among my favorite dynamics. I wish we got to see Meg interact the Elementals more. I wasn't always big fan of the "female pack", but it's starting to grow on me.

Anyway, I feel like this whole book was dragged out and there was a lot of "lull" time. It wasn't until the 2nd half of the book that things really ramped up. That's when shit hits the fan and you're just like, "Yeah, fuck humans!" But wait... >>

I keep hoping and praying that the next book will be the one when they finally get together. It's also adorable how Vlad keeps teasing Simon about their relationship
Spoilerlike when Meg wants to skinny dip?