A review by kathydavie
Angels of Darkness by Meljean Brook, Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews


An anthology of four short stories involving angels with darkness in their lives.

"Angel's Wolf" (Guild Hunter, 4.75)
"Origins" (Alphas, 0.5)
"Nocturne" (Samaria, 1.5)
"Ascension" (The Guardians, 10.5)

The Stories
Nalini Singh's "Angel's Wolf" is more of a side story with Noel, one of the elite Guard for the Archangel Raphael, being sent to discover who dares to threaten an angel. Noel has been badly savaged, ruined in an attack and he feels he has been sent to Louisiana, to Nimra, as a demotion to second-tier guard. Instead, it's a lovely tale of healing for two very different beings.

Ilona Andrews' "Origins" will knock you for a loop with its different interpretation on the origins of man and of demons. Violent, brutal, out of this world, and absolutely fascinating.

Sharon Shinn's "Nocturne" was fabulous for its sarcastic, snotty heroine who drags an angel back from the brink. I must read this series!

Meljean Brook's "Ascension" was a long time coming for Marc and Radha. One hundred and forty years long. It's just like a man to not want to ask directions needing to figure it all out for himself.

The Cover and Title
The cover is lovely as a purple-winged angel embraces a nude woman, a swath of green fabric swirling around their legs.

The title definitely reflects the characters in each short story as each angel experiences darkness in their lives.