A review by lillylagom
Daughter of the Drowned Empire by Frankie Diane Mallis

Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
The plot moved too slow for me. I didn't find myself reaching for it often, excited to see where the story takes me. The FMC kind of annoyed me a bit. She's been in a relationship with her boyfriend for 2 years and in multiple times, she felt uncomfortable with him when it came to small acts of intimacy. Like girl, why are you even with him? He basically throws her to the wolves when it's revealed she doesn't have magical abilities instead of defending and supporting her. I'm not sure if that's part of her character development or not as I didn't finish the book. I also wasn't a fan of the constant titles for a lot of the characters. They were repeated too often for my liking and some were so long I found myself glazing past them. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood or mindset for this fantasy book. Maybe in the future I'll give it a try again