A review by lucyjunee
The Big Lie: How One Doctor's Medical Fraud Launched Today's Deadly Anti-Vax Movement by Kurt Eichenwald


The case of Andrew Wakefield, the fraud who claimed vaccines cause autism, fueling the deadly anti-vax movement that is so relevant today.

Following his initial hypothesis to the conclusion of his paper being retracted and being completely struck off the medical registrar, this is a mistake that will haunt people for years to come, causing more deaths from preventable illnesses (such as: measles, mumps, rubella) than ever before.

It is also worth mentioning the ableism that is clear throughout this entire study? Autism is not a death sentence, it is not a disease, it is not something to be ashamed about, the fact parents would rather allow their children to die slow and painful deaths from something easily treated than risk them 'getting' autism (which is not possible, the injection of a dead pathogen cannot rewire your brain) is shocking and so, so disgusting.

It's 2021, people, let's stop acting if autistic people are another breed.

Besides that, if you're interested in understanding this case in detail, this book was extremely informative and concise, explaining everything that happened and the dire consequences that followed.