A review by bethanybook
Beneath the Starlit Sea by Nicole Bea


Beneath the Starlit Sea is a lovely fantasy-romance book which is perfect for getting out of those pesky book slumps.

Illyse wears her heart on her sleeve, is extremely impulsive emotionally and tends to make the odd mistake… but that’s what makes her real and relatable.

Garit on the other hand was quite hard to like, I found him standoffish and the typical brute and then all of a sudden he’s all poetic and has bard worthy love? But I think that was down to the book be so short and it having a quick pace.

The story overall is amazing and the plot is super interesting but personally I prefer fantasies to be a bit longer. At best a series! I just love world building and intense plot lines which unfortunately this one didn’t have as much.

All in all it’s a sweet romantasy book perfect for someone who wants a quick and easy read with a loveable main character.

*thank you Netgalley for sending me an ebook of this in exchange for an honest review*