A review by slc333
Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon


I love Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series (especially the early stuff) and have enjoyed the other league books so I am very familiar with the way her character have very tragic and traumatic pasts which they survive and then find love usually during and interesting and fast paced adventure with lots of action and witty repartee. Unfortunately in this book we got bucket loads of tragedy, trauma and torture of our hero with very little story beyond that. This was an extremely long book - 632 pages. I would say about 550 pages were devoted to a very descriptive and detailed retelling about all the horrible hideous things our hero has suffered through over the years including torture, rape, degradation and some of the resulting angst felt by the hero & heroine as a result of this and about 50 or so pages to anything even resembling a story.