A review by tx2its
Best Nerds Forever by Chris Grabenstein, James Patterson


Reading 2021
Book 57: Best Nerds Forever by James Patterson

What would a month be without a YA read.? This is one of two James Patterson books I read in May.

Finn is a middle school boy who is run off a cliff while riding his bike. Now dead, he must deal with his unfinished business before he can move on. Finn tries to solve the mystery of his death and along the way meets a girl, who is also dead, trying to solve her death. Finn watches the grief of his family and friends as he also takes advantage of being a ghost.

This was a cute story, though it is shrouded in sadness. A boy dead before his time, a family weighed down with grief, friends that a having a hard time moving on without their friend, and a new friend who cannot remember what happened to her. Reviewed for ages 10 and older, I would be sure that it would not be too sad a book for a kid to read. 4⭐️.