A review by elenap
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke

funny mysterious slow-paced


This is the type of book that takes a long time to finish, and you get all proud when you're done because it is a drag at times. Yet overall, I'm glad I read it, and I did enjoy myself. The writing was beautiful (reminiscent of Dickens), albeit it took a while to get used to, and funny (dry humour). The characters were flawed (god I hated them at times) and relatable at the same time (yes, I'd rather not let you borrow any of my pretty expensive books just like Norrell).

I cannot give it 5 stars because at times I was reading through sheer will, as the plot was almost non-existent and everything felt like filler. I love character-driven stories, but in those moments even characters weren't interesting.

That being said, the ending was satisfying, and this magical world Clarke created will stay with me for a while.