A review by punkersfictionreads
Run Time by Catherine Ryan Howard


I’ve heard amazing things about this author and was so excited to read Run Time. The book sounded right up my alley, unfortunately it was a miss for me.

I really enjoyed the idea of this story. I felt like it started off strong. I was invested in our main character and wanted to see where her story went.

But this book is way to long. The middle was to slow for me. I knew the twist a mile away and was ready to get to it by the halfway point. I feel like this book would have worked better as a novella the idea was solid and interesting. 

Overall I will definitely be giving this author another chance. I enjoyed her writing style and thought the idea of Run Time was fantastic. Just needed to be shorter in my opinion.
2.5/5 Stars 

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for sending me an arc copy in exchange for my honest review.