A review by jensreadinglife
Moloka'i by Alan Brennert


A book about a leper colony? That doesn't sound like the most uplifting read. Boy was I ever wrong about that! Within the first few pages, Brennert had me hooked into the story of Rachel Kalama who, at the very young age of six, is ripped from her family and sent to live in the leper colony on Moloka'i. I did not know much about Moloka'i's history as a leper colony but this book has opened my eyes. Through Rachel's story, we learn all about the people of Kalaupapa and what life was like for them. It was a life much like any other - filled with love, hope, despair, death and redemption. Sadly, those with leprosy were virtual prisoners but still they managed to find a way to make life livable even under those conditions.

I absolutely did not want this book to end. It is going in my top five reads of the year and I can't wait to read more of Brennert's Hawaii stories.