A review by jenlouisegallant
Tortall: A Spy's Guide by Timothy Liebe, Tamora Pierce, Julie Holderman


Of course, I love this. I have been waiting for it for years and it didn't disappoint. There is Tammy's normal humour, there are gorgeous pictures, the whole aesthetic of the book is fantastic. I literally teared up when I first opened it up and saw how gorgeous it was. It was so nice to get more information and tidbits from my beloved Tortall. We get to hear from favourite characters, and others we may not have heard from much before (like Thom and Wyldon). I just love this. I just finished and I want to read it again. I want to read all the Tortall books again now, or at least finish my re-read from earlier this year which got sidetracked by my massive TBR pile. I may have to do a Tortall January readathon, or just a Tamora Pierce readathon.