A review by jbrooxd
Diana and the Island of No Return by Aisha Saeed


[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Add this to the growing shelf of books about young Wonder Woman. This is a prose novel rather than a graphic novel, which was a fun change. The general plot - a boy breeches the boundaries of Themyscira and Diana is pulled away from her home to fix a problem - isn't unique, but the execution is well done. I liked Diana's friendship with Sakina and the team up of the girls when they leave the island to fight the villain. The story is highly suspenseful, with roadblock after roadblock building until the final battle. It had a Rick Riordan sort of feel to the story with the mythology of the gods referenced here and there and the seemingly invincible foe. There were two chapters to tease the next book in the back of my review copy and they were a tease for sure. I can't wait to get that next story and see what happens for Diana and her friends.