A review by sethlynch
The Comedians by Graham Greene


I hadn't read and GG books for a number of years. About 20 years ago I went through a phase of just reading his novels, this autobiographies then biographies. But luckily I stopped before I'd read them all so there were still treasures like this one to read. I always knew he was good - I wouldn't have read one after the other if I didn't - but I felt I appreciated something more in this book. It's there in the others, I just noticed it this time. It's the resigned philosophy, the taking the world as it is. The evil is there, and it's evil, but you can't do much about it, except a gesture. And sometimes life is so pointless that the gesture is worth while. I read this off the back of Camus' The Fall and I felt Greene handled the same subject in a much better way. (In fairness so has Camus in The Plague).

I'm hoping there are a few others I've missed off so I can read them now