A review by cupofbooksreviews
Escape From Samsara by Nicky Blue


I have received this book in exchange for an honest review. I have given Escape From Samsara by Nicky Blue three out of five stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️

I have to admit, with no exaggeration, this is probably one of the most unique books I have ever read! it was humorous, full of action and unbelievably hectic plot, compile all of those things together and it was a very interesting read!

Nicky Blue is an extraordinary and incredibly talented writer, despite a few grammatical errors I thoroughly enjoyed his descriptive use of writing throughout this story and absolutely loved the humour that was brought to light in this book, it really made me chuckle out loud. Blue’s descriptive use of writing really helped me to vividly imagine the characters and scenes that were playing out in the book, however there were quite a few times I felt that the story was being rushed or things were happening at a fast pace which made it difficult to keep up.

I can’t say that I built a connection with the characters, but I did enjoy reading about Barry and the bizarre life that he leads. I could definitely imagine the characters and plot in a comic strip styled book.

Overall I thought this book was well-written and very creative, with great slapstick humour qualities, but personally it wasn’t my type of genre I would particularly pick up again. I would recommend this book to readers of fantasy and tongue and cheek humour.