A review by readwithshiggy
Still Can't Do My Daughter's Hair by William Evans


I had originally been introduced to Evans' work through my Facebook feed after watching a video of him performing 'My Wife Is Shaped Like' (which is in this collection)— and man, that piece was moving.

That poem was a taste of what this entire book is about-- an exploration of family, of love, of fatherhood, of marriage but all with the hint of what those things mean as a Black man in America. There are moments of great humor, humility, and fun with his daughter that helps the reader ease into harsh realities by the end of each poem— but for the most part, Evans is blunt and honest about his experiences and about the thoughts that constantly run through his and his families’ heads because there’s no other way to discuss such heavy topics.

His words are as impactful on paper as they are when he speaks them live-- although I highly recommend you read each poem and then watch the live version for a double whammy. This was moving, illuminating, and emotional; all makes for an essential read. Especially in this political climate where it is important to read stories from one another, actively empathize with each others struggles, and empower one another, I'd genuinely recommend to any and everyone.

*I received this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.*