A review by maegancassia
When Villains Rise by Giana Darling


⭐️⭐️⭐️.75/ 5

Here’s the thing, loved the first book, it was so good and I loved it. The second book just made me mad. Maybe it’s the control freak, independent person in me but it made me so mad. So she finds out she was second choice to here sister AGAIN and still went back to him. It was the fact that she told him all about Christopher and Daniel and how they both chose her sister as their first choice and how that made her believe for years that she wasn’t worth it and he didn’t tell her about how he was in love with her sister. Nice alright. Then he then after that makes the decision for her that she is going to be Donna while he turns himself in. Ok, so she left her life as a lawyer, a job she worked extremely hard for. Is a felon by association and took you back after she felt betrayed by you. Now you are making decisions for her. Maybe you liked the book and I liked it as well there were just aspects that made me a tad bit heated. Mind you I am a very independent person and hate being told what to do. I hate not being in control of a situation or not having a say in something that involves me. So this is what ticked me off. It’s so bad I won’t let anyone help me unload the dishwasher, I have to do it myself. So these two things made me frustrated.

Other than that, the book was pretty good. It definitely felt more realistic than other mafia books. I think that the epilogue was perfect for Elena and Dante. After everything they went through it felt right. I like how Elena embraced her new life and grew into a different, more Confident person.