A review by archetypewriter
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

Did not finish book.
DNF at 66%. The parts about cherry-picking had some charm, but I just hated the reminiscing about acting. It felt as though the main character was in some version of the same play maybe half-a-dozen times (though it was probably three or four), as well as acting in a film, commercials, and a sitcom. We learn nothing about her time on the sitcom or filming the commercials and precious little about her time on the film. Her years in the theater were largely spent on cigarettes, alcohol, and a boyfriend who went on to become famous. He smoked and drank, and became famous that's all I learned about him, other than his name. Like most of the novel's characters, he lacked distinguishing traits and was incredibly dull. However, the main character's three daughters are fascinated with him and want to keep hearing more about him because for some reason they haven't already heard a ton about this famous, super-boring guy their mom used to date. Whyyyyy... didn't I stop reading sooner?