A review by vondav
Into the Darkness by A.M. Rycroft


Aeryn Ravane is a sell-sword, a bodyguard for hire. She decides to honour her adopted father by finishing the quest that he had started. According to legend a sword by the name of Aric would rid their land of a curse. Aeryn’s quest starts at the Black Cavern and this is where she comes across the her soon to be travelling companies. Theo is a young street thief, but it is not till further on in the book that we find out her real intentions of being in the cave and the other unlikely companion is the ghost of Tynan. As soon has she removes Aric from the cave, it releases an evil god who was trapped by a curse going by the name of Harbinger. To save the land of chaos Aeryn and her unlikely companions have to track him down and defeat him.
From the moment I started this book I was drawn into the adventure of Aeryn. Aeryn although very skilled with the sword, doubts herself and can come across quite aloof. Theo is your typical street child, orphaned at an early age she has learnt to survive on the streets by any way possible even if that way involved stealing and Tynan is so sure of himself and his magic, that it is comical, you can just see him flaunting himself around town and gets quite put out if no-one recognises him. You would think that this unlikely partnership wouldn’t work, but it does. The work really well as a team and slowly you can see that Aeryn has got a caring nature towards Theo.
If you like your epic fantasies, then read this book. The action is paced throughout which makes it an exciting read. Even at quieter time in the story are not boring as the way as the descriptive writing by the author made you feel that you were with her for every step of Aeryn’s journey. The minor characters were interesting and I was surprised when a vampyre was writing into the story, but this added even more depth and you got to read more about Aeryn’s past. The final battle was intense as you had no idea what to expect.
The difference between the special edition and the original is that the special edition has some short stories at the end. A really good read and would love to read more of Aeryn and Theo’s travels.