A review by kiaramedina
The Body Electric by Beth Revis


First off, I'm going to state that I have an uncontrollable fear of bees. I can't be near bees, I can't see bees. I can't look at images of bees. (That scene in THG when the Tracker Jackers come out nearly killed me)
So for me to have finished this book, where every header was a bee, where there were mentions of bees every single chapter (or so), where bzzzzz is one of the most commonly used words in the book, is a huge, huge deal.

In fact, I couldn't put this book down.

Ella is a normal girl, working an internship with her mom's invention-a way to dream your favorite memories and relive them-her best friend is doing an internship on the moon, her mother is dying, but everything is sort of normal.

Until it's not.

I went into this book knowing only that, 1. the cover is gorgeous, 2. everyone is raving about this, 3. Beth Revis wrote the Across the Universe trilogy-which I have not read. That's it. And like every time I go into a book without knowing what it's about, I am completely lost as to what is going on. But I love the thrill of trying to figure out what's going on. I honestly can't remember the last time I read a book that left me saying WHAT? at every single twist that came along. Like, guys, I NEVER saw anything coming.

It was awesome.

Set in the futuristic city of New Venice (previously Malta), war has caused people to be afraid and to become comfortable. No one wants another war, but no one wants to take the risks that might prevent another war from starting.

Ella finds herself caught up in the middle of this not-quit-war situation. The lines between good and bad are blurred, nothing is quite as it seems. What if the government is lying to you? What if it's not? But...what if it is? What if the Rebel group is lying? What if they're not?

Fast paced, and so vividly detailed (especially the bees!), this book is spectacular. I can't stop thinking about it. So many questions are raised, so many confusing truths discovered, so many things that still don't add up.

Until they do.

I highly recommend this book.

"Sacrificing the few for the good of the many is fine, until you remember that we're talking about people." (ARC Quote 1)

This! Isn't this statement amazing? Read this book.