A review by julia11
Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier


4.5 rounded up. I loved this book! As usual, I went in totally blind- and there were so many twists and unknowns throughout. It sucked me in and I could not put it down.

I was annoyed with Marin for the first half of the book. I kind of accidentally buddy read this with a friend (we just happened to pick it up at the same time) so I had someone to bounce my frustrations off of and get another perspective as I was reading. I was annoyed she was so mad at her mistress instead of her husband (who should have been getting the brunt of the anger), but after talking it out with my friend, it made some sense that she was carrying around so much guilt from losing her child that it was hard for her to take it out on her husband who she felt had every right to hate her for her mistake. It didn't make me totally happy.. I don't love the jealous girl-on-girl hate storylines.. but it was a bit easier to sympathize.

But overall.. there were so many other elements that I loved about this book. It was gripping and exciting and I won't forget it for quite sometime.