A review by gahleeraereads
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix


Lots of Twists and Turns

A slow start to a suspenseful build-up led to me being on the edge of my seat for the final chapters of Final Girl Support Group. Lynne frustrated me in some parts because she acted without thinking for a second about the consequences of her actions, which could have saved a lot of characters a lot of heartache; however, her character was still relatable and made me root for her (just to not die, I guess...?). I wish Hendrix had spent a little more time building up background for Dr. Carol, Skye, and Stephanie, but I also see how that could have spoiled some parts of the book. I could have done without the supplemental notes/articles/reports/etc. since they really didn't add any realism to the story. Overall, for a fictional book about murderers, this story made my true-crime-loving heart happy.