A review by kketelaar
Darling Jim by Christian Mørk


The storyline intrigued me and the book started off well-enough, but the denouement was lackluster and so predictable as to be dull. There are two facets of the ending that I believe are intended to be twists. Without giving away any plot points I just want to say that the first "twist" was just plain pointless and the second garnered such little page time that it couldn't make up for the predictability of what preceded it.

My main issue with the book was that the entire story revolved around the plot device of a drifter/storyteller who is so handsome and charming that women of all ages simply lose their common sense and follow after him like dogs in heat. His charm and charisma are such that women eagerly turn a blind eye to stories of his darker side, and are quick to betray and dismiss friends and family members if it means they will be graced with his presence and attention. Blech!

I'm not quite sure how this book came to be on my "To Read" shelf; my best guess is that it was recommended on Goodreads or Amazon based on my reviews of Tana French and, as I mentioned before, the synopsis was intriguing. If you find yourself with a similar recommendation I would suggest you pass on this novel as it does not compare favorably to French.