A review by bookishblasian
The Foxe & the Hound by R.S. Grey


I surprised at how much I loved this book! This is one of my better "fun" reads. It wasn't all deep and emotional and make you cry, it was simply just a good story! It was exactly what the cover says, a romantic comedy. It wasn't quite a smutty book but it certainly had its moments :-) I love that Adam was trying his hardest to not like Madeleine from the start, but clearly he was failing. I love that she dressed up and said she was going on a date and then went to hang out with her sister in law. I love that there was the drama with Olivia but then everything ended up okay. And lastly, I love that the same old man that she never gave up on let her broker his deal or a multimillion dollar home. I have two lines from the book that I highlighted "He can grip my wrists tighter and hold me hostage, but I will not play along, not even when he takes my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down ever so gently. Well, maybe then...but I only moan and kiss him back because it's a knee-jerk reaction. Anyone would do the same, really." This cracked me up!! Anyone would do the same really, LOL! The second thing I highlighted was sweet because Adam felt bad for turning Madeleine down and said "No woman wants to be made to feel undesirable." It just made me think if real life guys have thoughts like this... Anyways, I truly loved this book! It was a really cute read and a nice change from the super emotional books I've been reading. I loved this as much or more than A Place in the Sun! I see more R.S. Grey in my future :)