A review by sarah42783
Doubleblind by Ann Aguirre


BR with my fellow junkies Shelly & Jaime. Because we're Jax addicts. There's no hope for us at this point.

Holy Fragging Mary of Anabolic Grace.

This book. This series.

Rejoice and get the maracas out of storage because this will be a short review. Yes it will. No empty promises this time. Cross my heart, hope to die and all that.

This review will be short because:

This book is too A.W.E.S.O.M.E. for words.

I'd rather be reading Killbox than writing this review.

There's no point in trying to explain what this book is about. I mean, I didn't try and summarize books 1 & 2 for you so I'm not about to do it for this one. And even if I did want to ♥ out of the goodness of my heart ♥ there would be little I could say. Because spoilers. So there. You want to know what Doubleblind is about? READ IT. How many times will I have to say this? You need this series in your life. YES YOU DO.

Doubleblind is phenomenal-amazing-oh my God this will be the death of me-fantastic-exhausting-nerve racking-brilliant-exasperating-awesome-oh no you don't-maddening-astonishing-please do something I can't take it anymore-heart stopping-sensational-stressful-oh my God I think I might cry any minute now-thrilling-sad-argh-exciting-you bastard I knew it-phenomenal because:

Intergalactic politics Life will never be the same.

Ithiss-Tor. Because bugs and mandibles have never been so cool Life will never be the same.

Dina & Hit are cool, very cool. And the rest is no comment. Because reasons. I'm hurt.

Jael is no comment. Because REASONS Too bad.

Vel is the coolest mantis in the known universe. I think I'm in love with his mandibles. Wait. That sounds pretty bad doesn’t it? It's really not what you think you know. Oh well. My reputation was ruined a long time ago anyway. Just add mandibles to the list of my many deviances.

March. Come on people, do I really have to explain why? March is. That is why. I'm in love. No matter what. And there is a lot of what here. But I'm still in love. And the rest is no comment. Because reasons. Lots of them.

Jax. Because until now I wanted to be Kate Daniels when I grew up. Now I want to be Jax OMG I did not just write that did I? OMG I think I did. OMG I think I'm hyperventilating.

Why Jax? I can’t believe you’re actually asking this question. But you’re my dear vulture friends so I’ll comply just this once. Why Jax? Because she's too awesome for words. Because she's tough. Because she's weak. Because she speaks mandible fluently. Because she's smart. Because she's no 20-year-old virgin. Because she's falling apart. Because she kicks ass. Because she's the coolest ambassador in the known universe. Because March is her drug of choice. Because Constance. Because she never gives up. Because she navigates the most unexpected seas. Because the bug Gestapo doesn't scare her. And because she shines.
“Together, to this kid, we must seem like the stuff from nightmares and legends.”

That is all.
Killbox awaits.
Bye now.

Book 1: Grimspace ★★★★★
Book 2: Wanderlust ★★★★★
Book 4:Killbox ★★★★★
Book 5: Aftermath
Book 6: Endgame ★ (DNF at 20%)