A review by nonisfp
Other-Wordly: Words Both Strange and Lovely from Around the World (Book Lover Gifts, Illustrated Untranslatable Word Book) by Yee-Lum Mak


I found this by chance on Scribd and I’m really glad I found it. As someone who loves discovering new words and marvels at them, I found the introduction very intriguing and relatable, sort of. That I’ve been meaning to name something but couldn’t find the right term, then otherworldly just sounds about right. And so, there’s beauty in every words listed, like it has some kind of delicacy in them. The words from Welsh and German are exceptionally beautiful. I knew this was a short one yet I got disappointed when I reached the last page, like whoa it’s ended already? I think I enjoyed marveling at the words and definitions too much to notice. Plus the illustration works wonder, it was pleasing to look at. I’d definitely try to get the physical copy.

My personal favorite words are schwellenangst lit. “threshold anxiety”; fear of embarking on something new or entering a new place. and cwtch a hug or a cuddle; a safe place; the safe space or the cupboard under the stairs.