A review by duckthepianowire
Cruel to Be Kind: The Life and Music of Nick Lowe by Will Birch


Read an Advance copy. I'm a huge fan of Nick Lowe, and I found portions of this book enormously entertaining and enlightening. Unfortunately, it seems somewhat frontloaded with lots of material on Nick's pre-fame days and time spent with Brinsley Schwarz. After that the pace quickens considerably, and Nick's better-known eras (late '70s and post-"Bodyguard" soundtrack comeback) get a less thorough going-over. One presumes that Will Birch did his due diligence, but there's only so much you can glean from an only somewhat forthcoming interview subject like the one we have here.

It's a shame Nick won't ever bother writing a memoir, because there seems to be plenty of life experiences left untapped. But probably, it would just be too painful.

Nick Lowe fans will treasure it, because it's all we've got. But I can't help wishing for more.