A review by mollybonovskyanderson
The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle


DNF at 33%.

I liked the setting; rainy, misty Pacific Northwest. There are some lovely descriptions of the woods and the sea. I needed a pallet-cleanser after reading some too-heavy non-fiction and picked up this up from our "little-free-lending library." The cover caught my eye, but after reading the synopsis, I knew this might not be for me. I don't read much fantasy anymore, specifically not urban fantasy, or romance--at all. But I thought I'd give it a try. There weren't enough goblins in my opinion, and too much trite and/or banal dialogue, and a definite over-use of the word "sexy." I also thought that Skye was going to be "depressed" after her encounter with the goblins, not rendered nearly mute, someone who could not smile or laugh, and could only echo people, yet still somehow held down her job as a barista. As soon as she stopped talking and began communicating by little nods and pouts, she seemed infantile, which was compounded by the fact that she barely came up to Grady's shoulder, which just made it seem like he was lusting after a petulant, mute child. Their texting conversation across a table was kind of the limit for me. It just wasn't my thing. I'm going to re-shelve it for someone else to discover, and hopefully appreciate more than I did.