A review by nyhylyst
Not All Himbos Wear Capes by C. Rochelle


Do NOT let the title or cover fool you, this is NOT a slapdash, semi-coherent smutty book. I usually do not leave reviews, I also do not usually read books with silly or ugly covers (literally ignoring the adage of not judging a book by its cover) but i decided to give this one a try. I am very happy i did.

Full disclosure, i am OBSESSED with superheroes. I have hundreds of comics, i’ve seen all the movies, etc. Why it never occurred to me to combine two of my favorite things: smut & superheroes i’ll never understand.

This book is HOT for sure, but it’s also got really heat character work, it’s got impressive world building (it’s a little vague but i think that’s on purpose), and the sex is REALLY GOOD. I love the two main characters, i really struggled with the names for a long time, but i realized about halfway through that i think the author is doing it on purpose. There is a throwaway line about Marvel taking all the good names, and honestly, if you really think about it Captain America is a fucking ridiculous name, we are all just used to it after 60-70 years. So, once i got that the names are VERY tongue in cheek, it was easier.

There are moments where the character inner monologues get a little repetitive, they say the same thing over and over but the obsession, the love, the dialogue, the sex all perfection. Butch bring this beefed up, hot, idiot, who really isn’t he’s just naïve was well developed. Xander (i HATE the nickname “Xanny”, “Xan” is okay though) is a fun “daddy” who the author isn’t afraid to show also has his own issues. As a fellow “daddy” with anxiety issues, it was nice to feel seen. “Daddies” need care too!

I have read a LOT of m/m paranormal/fantasy novels and this truly stands as one of the best I’ve read. Lily Mayne’s Monstrous series is a series I would confidently compare this too, though the tone is different here.

While, i still dislike the cover and the word “himbo” only needs to be used once for us to get the picture, the only other real issue i had was cockblocking the last scene, we really should have had the chance to see Xander be topped. That was RUDE!

I am already reading the second book.