A review by kayla_llbr
Allure by Nina Lane


*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review*


Allure by Nina Lane is the second installment of the Spiral of Bliss Series and it is by far, one of the most romantic books I have ever read.
He is imprinted in my bones, my soul. He has marked me in ways more permanent than time."

If you have not read Arouse then please do not go any further because there will be a few spoilers.

This book picks up where Arouse left off and things between Dean and Olivia are in a slightly better place, but things are not the same. They are still fighting for their marriage but are now in a place where family, lies, and tragedy await to tear them apart.
We both want this so badly. I can feel it resonating between us like the hot pull of our first attraction, tangible and intense. We want our marriage to be a haven of warmth and pleasure again. We want our pure lustiness back, untainted by fear and mistrust. We want the unending spirals of bliss we can create only with each other. We want to shut the rest of the world out while locking ourselves in together.

What I love the most about this series is the shift in dynamic. For so long Dean has been protecting Olivia from everything. Certain events in her past have left her closed off, vulnerable, and extremely skittish. But Olivia is not that weak girl she once was. Now she is trying to find herself as well as trying to be an equal in their marriage.
You just always wanted to give me the safety I never had," I tell him. "But life isn't safe, no matter how hard you try to make it that way.”

I know Dean is far from perfect but he is the most romantic, passionate, kind man I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. Dean so desperately wants to be Olivia's white knight but despite his best intentions, his actions create further strain on the couple.
You have to let me fail, Dean, and you have to believe I can get back up on my own."
"I know you can."
My heart constricts. "But you have to let me prove it. You have to accept that I'm going to get hurt, but also that I can be self-reliant. You can't always save me."

Overall, Allure was everything I wanted and more. It was sexy, intense, and so realistic. For me, one of the most refreshing things about this series is that shows a marriage that two people so desperately work at. Many books now a days center around falling in love for the first time, but Olivia and Dean continue to fall in love with each other over and over again.

5 stars*