A review by hollyreadsromance
Coming Home by Melissa Grace


This is such a special series, and I can’t quite believe it’s already done. I read the first 3 books in the three days?? And I wish had time to reread them before I read this one, but now I’ll just reread them all someday!! I love this series so much. I love this family that these characters have created! I have loved seeing everyone grow and change but also their family is still the same.

Melissa knows how to write a book that is full of such love and laughter and heart AND make you cry your eyes out! Every single time she writes about real life and real struggles and how hard life can be and she writes about all the happy things that happen right along side it. And she writes it SO WELL. It’s always so real and honest and raw. She doesn’t shy away from the scary parts.

Luca is the story we’ve all been waiting for! And it was BEAUTIFUL. It was HARD and sad and scary but still full of so much LOVE. I really appreciated how his and McKenzie’s story were parallel. They needed each other and they also needed each other to realize that still needed to work on themselves. It was tough watching them figure it out, but the end result was so worth it.

And the two of them together was magic. They were so hesitant even though they had an instant connection. They were able to share the deepest parts of themselves and be heard and really feel seen. And they CARED so much about each other, and they had FUN together. They were so imperfectly perfect.

I’m so excited for whatever Melissa has in store for us, but this series will stick with me forever.

Thank you so much to Melissa Grace for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!