A review by nikolinaza
The Obsession by Jesse Q. Sutanto


Actual rating: 4.5 ⭐

Trigger warning(s): domestic violence, death, drug abuse, drugs, explosion, murder, overdose, mention of rape, stalking, suicide.

Logan is obsessed with the new girl, Delilah. He decides to make her his forever and ever, no matter what it takes. The universe seems to agree with him that the two of them should be together as Logan was given a secret of Delilah that would make her stay by his side, and while he thinks everything is finally falling into place, there's another secret that could be his very own grave....

Hoooooly coooow. This "more-than-meets-the-eye" trope is going to an another level. The simple narratives makes this book an easy and light read, but boy, I was so wrong.

The story was told by our two main characters, Logan, whose delusional disorder gets harder and harder to get though and Delilah, who was so tired of men controlling her every single move. These two contradictory point of views created an eerie feeling despite the teenfic-y (is that even a word?) writing style. Along with the quite fast pace, everything gets darker and grimmer towards the end.

Our two main characters, while I'm sure they're not the type of someone who would be liked by society (if their true skin is showing), nobody gets framed as the bad guy since the beginning just for the sake of suspense. Each has their own reasons, motive, and complexity. After finishing the book last night, I was left wondering which one is righter than the other and which one I should pity more for their condition.

This is not that a-serial-killer-is-determined-to-hunt-you-down-eat-you-alive type, but still, it makes you breathless in the end because of the intensity. Even more creepy when you realize these things could happen everywhere around you, even in a place with people so calm that there's nothing to be suspicious of....

I can't wait to read The New Girl!