A review by sannareads
Dry Foot by Jarred Luján


I received this ARC from NetGalley but the opinions are still fully mine.

The art was really pretty and gave me that 80’s vibe that the illustrator was going for...still the book itself really didn’t do it for me.

I enjoyed the first part of the graphic novel where we got to know the four main characters a bit, but I feel like we got to know them too shallowly to really form and attachment to them/to start liking them.

The story was non-stop and very action packed which I enjoyed. But I wish that we’d gotten to know the characters more so we could’ve understood their motives for their actions better as I found some things that happened a bit confusing.

Perhaps if the graphic novel was a bit longer the reader could’ve gotten to know them more? Which might’ve made the book feel less rushed as a lot happened in quite few pages.

For a person that doesn’t speak Spanish it got a bit confusing when the characters spoke in their language every now and then, it made me feel like I missed out a bit.

⭐️ “Dry Foot” by Jarred Lujan, Orlando Caicedo & Warnia Sahadewa gets 2/5 stars from me!