A review by dyno8426
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


When I started this book, I expected some sci-fi theories and futuristic actions. But it quite surprised me by turning out to be a modern romance between two persons, emphasizing upon the complications that arise when one of them time travels. It feels more retrospective and introspective than exploratory and hence, feels more "human" than a fantasy. The author has been able to create a brilliant narrative, structuring it very creatively so that every small chapter, every consciousness switch, makes the story firmly coherent, so much that the very last page fits like the last remaining piece of the puzzle, revealing a brilliant timeline at the end. Accompanying that, it is quite a nimble read (filled with the themes of love and loss though) and made me hooked to it. It's one of those books, which make you feel that you are watching a movie (may be because of the way it is structured and written in present tense), bringing out one of the most important messages that the author wants to convey: it is only the present, the here and the now, that we have to live and to love. Regarding time travel, I admired the author's ingenuity in creating a perspective about time travel which belongs to a spectrum contradictory to the more paradoxical ones like those portrayed in 'Back to the Future' series. Personally, time travel and theories about chaos and determinism fascinate me, so I loved this read.