A review by burningupasun
The Steep and Thorny Way by Cat Winters


I waited a day to review this because it was just SO GOOD and after all I could do was sit at my desk and go: gosh ... gosH ... gOSH .... GOSH ... G O S H.

Anyway I think I kind of hoped if I waited a day, I'd be able to review it better but nope, still all I can do is flail about how good it is. But honestly it really is good. Cat Winters is an amazing write, I've loved all her books, but I think this one is right up there with In the Shadow of Blackbirds for me. (Though that will always be my favorite, partially because it hit me so intensely.)

This book is well written, perfectly characterized, and so dutifully researched. The author even makes note in the back of how she felt unsure about writing a bi-racial character, being that she was a white woman. However I think she really took the time to thoroughly research this and to try as best she could to get it right, and that's how you should do it. Obviously I can't speak completely to the accuracy because I'm a white woman myself, but it seemed very well done in that regard. She also did a lot of research for the plot around a gay male character and what he would have faced at the time, and that was great too.

Oh and did I mention the book is physically beautiful? Because it is! The typography, the images, everything, it's just such a PRETTY book. I love that. I love all of it. So if you like YA, historical fiction, diverse characters, well-researched works, and PRETTY BOOKS.... definitely read this!