A review by becca_themoodreader
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


This will be a spoiler free review!

13 year old me was that girl, yes the annoying one, who fangirled over this book like I was a sociopath and could quote every single word in this book from back to front without a stutter or pause. Then when the movie came out I watch it a billion times and could cry everytime a certain someone died repeating "Okay? Okay." like I was deranged. So imagine me finding the book I love with my whole heart 6 years later, of course I had to reread it. And boy has my reading taste changed drastically. I was contemplating giving this 1 star because I just absolutely hate this book but because it was a gem to preteen me, it deserved another star.

Honestly, I regret rereading this book because my god sent image of it has been tainted but I just had to. This book is a mess. A big mess. From its unrealistic portrayal of the main character's love interest to the dialogue being so remarkably farfetched, I couldn't even finish the book. Without spoiling the book although I'm 60% positive most of the world has read this book, all I will say is this: read this book if you like unrelatable characters and completely idealistic storylines and/or you're a 13 and under girl who has false ideas of what romance and true love is supposed to be like.

This book is perfect as a quick read if I must say though.