A review by readingmissfroggy
Air Awakens by Elise Kova


Watch my full review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nTMDPTwwew&feature=youtu.be

Wow... just wow... I loved this book SOOOOOOOO MUCH!

*after taking a moment to gather my thoughts*

Still loving this book to pieces. Our main character Vhalla is amazing. I love her personality, her inner thoughts, her hobbies, the way she approaches things. She is the kind of character that I want for a best friend in real life. She is just absolutely wonderful.
Both the princes are also pretty darn awesome. Aldrik is definitely my favourite of the two but they both have something that I love. The side characters were very interesting and I loved the fact that Vhalla's friends were throughout the whole story. They weren't just introduced and then disappeared, no they were there and they influenced the story!
And talking about the story... I loved that too (obviously, why else would I give this book 5 stars?!). I loved the political parts, the magic parts, the events, everything. I do think that this book would have been even better with a map because I had a bit of a hard time imagining how it would look but I just received book 2 and it has a map so that's fixed!

The last thing that I have to say is go and pick this book up. Do it now!