A review by artsandbookish
Autumn Night Whiskey by Willow Winters


After reading Tequila Rose, I was very excited to get to read the sequel. I love reading different point of views, and including Robert's thoughts on things was the best decision. We finally got to understand why he did what he did all those years ago. This book and story really was a ride. Robert and Brody are both great characters for different reasons, and I really couldn't decide who to choose. It kind of broke my heart. Something that was a little annoying at times was Magnolia's indecisiveness. I understand why it's such a problem, but you know. But I loved to read the parts where her fear about raising her daughter was visible to the reader. Even though one might not completely understand her, I was able to sympathise with her. Flaws and worries let characters appear more human, and there's nothing better than that. The author has done an awesome job here.