A review by wyrmbergmalcolm
Alien: Out of the Shadows by Tim Lebbon


Penned as the direct sequel to the original Alien film, and featuring Ripley, I read most of this thinking that it must be an alternate timeline to the films due to Ripley never mentioning of hinting at the events here, ever. There is a reason, not sure if people are going to like it, though.
In a lot of ways, this is a rehash of the original story, there's a crashed alien spaceship with Xenomorphs on it, though the aliens were a different species to the one in the film. Miners find it and bring the infection back up to the orbiting spaceship at the start of the story. So there's the survival of the crew, the arrival of Ripley (with a fantastic reason as to why!) and a hairbrained plan for escape. Exciting and thrilling, this book has the closet thing to a jump-scare in the written form I have so far come across (2nd elevator scene).
I enjoyed it.