A review by bookph1le
Breathless by Amy McCulloch


I was disappointed in this book, but I'm giving it three stars because I thought the writing about mountaineering was compelling, and I learned a lot while reading it, since my curiosity about the places and events the author described compelled me to do a lot of googling and supplemental reading. Major spoilers beyond the tag.

SpoilerI knew very early in the book that Charles was the killer, so the revelation that it had been him all along came as no surprise to me. Still, I wouldn't have found the book such a letdown if not for the reason the author chose for his motive: antisocial personality disorder (AKA sociopathy/psychopathy). While I didn't think the revelation came out of nowhere--the author did a thorough job of giving Charles traits characteristic of ASPD that can also read as charm--I didn't like this as a motive. I had thought Charles's motive would be related to his determination to bury the evidence that he'd cheated in his climbs, and I personally would have found that a much sounder motive. I also very much disliked the fact that Doug knew Charles was dangerous and yet still chose to help him organize the expedition because he thought the mountain climbing would be enough to sate Charles. Say what? Who would do something like that?