A review by historynerd04
Secret Histories: The Romans by Isabel Greenberg, Imogen Greenberg


I received a copy of this book via a Goodreads Giveaway. Many thanks to the publisher!

Full disclosure: I majored in history. 2nd full disclosure, I have a young nephew and niece that I'm always on the lookout for in regards to books, especially books about history (have to get 'em young!).

I will definitely be sending them a copy of this book once they're a little older. Due to the font used and some of the pictures, I think this would be a great book for ages 10+. There was some history that was glossed over when they went from Roman Rule to an Rulers Hall of Fame. Namely, they included Justinian on the list of notable rulers but did not give adequate explanation to the division of the Roman Empire until later in the book. Waiting until later in the book to talk about the split makes sense chronologically, but is a bit clunky when including its most famous ruler before fully introducing what happened.

Having said that, I'm a big fan of the fold out map and timeline. This timeline even notes the rebellion of Boudica, so I have to forgive the minor issues noted.

Recommended for your budding little historian!