A review by nrsolis87
Surrender, New York by Caleb Carr


I’m fairly certain this is the worst book I’ve ever read. I know I’m in the minority, but I really disliked The Alienist by this author, too. In my opinion both of these books were overwritten and arduous. The only reason I forced myself to finish reading this book is because I couldn’t find a single spoiler regarding how it ended and although I hated reading it, I needed to know how it concluded, so I could further hate on this book. Petty Betty is me. I am her. Here are the reasons I hated this book and I’m going to include spoilers for anyone else who just can’t get through this dumpster fire and needs to know how it ends.

1. It’s too long and rambles. Didn’t need 600 pages to get to the freaking point.
2. It’s horribly overwritten with dialogue that adds nothing to the story and is so pretentious it will make your eyes roll.
3. The characters are so cartoonish and their conversations are so cringe that it reminded me of bad day time TV.
4. The amount of times he mentions how you CAN’T TRUST FORENSIC SCIENCE is just absurd. We get it, you hate crime shows and are the best Sherlock Holmes of the new age