A review by naika
Every Reasonable Doubt by Pamela Samuels Young


I watch way too many legal dramas and police procedurals. So of course this book was right up my alley: a classic “did this woman kill her husband?!” mystery thriller. It was a wild ride from page one, and I was here for it. I can’t say that everything was plausible, but I surely was invested in finding out how the author was going to have Vernetta and her team pull everything together. I found the writing and the pacing to be great. My biggest gripe, however, was Jefferson, Vernetta’s husband. That man found every last one of my nerves and messed with them. Insufferable doesn’t even begin to describe it. I didn’t see what Vernetta saw in him. I hope he plays a significantly less role as the series progresses. I’m intrigued enough to carry on with the series, but definitely can do without him.