A review by narmaeth
Alien Desire by Hannah Haze


Hoo boy... this sure was a read.

So the idea is solid. It started out decently...

However there is straight up dub-con/non-con sex.
Context: She states she doesn't want to have sex. She goes into heat and begs him for sex. He gives in and they go at it like rabbits.

I'd argue that it is absolutely non-con but this will probably vary from person to person. It is at the very best dub-con. So if this triggers you, avoid the book.

There are some other glaring issues and plot holes, it's incredibly hard to believe he considers her a person and equal when he constantly refers to and calls her 'Omega', for the majority of the book he is basically only being nice to her and spending time with her so he can fuck her. He also repeatedly ignores her boundaries and doesn't communicate with her, makes decisions for her without discussing it.
That said, she's not much better. She doesn't make an effort to learn his language at first, there's a lot of "gee men, they need entertaining! *roll eyes*" condescension. Instead of telling him what upsets her and trying to work a compromise she shuts herself in a room and refuses to talk to him.

It's very much a case of there's only one braincell in this building and Fluffy has it.

Why isn't there a bigger push to get a translator through the computer up and running so they can communicate? Why doesn't he just tell her how things are on their planet? Why does he refuse to get his head out of his ass about how his world is superior to hers? They never consider 'hey maybe we should go to Earth instead?'

She sends out a distress signal to other humans, they say "hey we can be there in 3 months, hang tight"... except the two of them proceed to fly off on his people's ship within a day. Are the humans going to turn up in 3 months, see the corpses and go "wtf?"

The two protags do apologise and talk at the very end of the book but I'm in book 2 right now and - surprise! - male main character hasn't learned a fucking thing and still treats her like a pet/fuck toy.