A review by bentrevett
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets by Hergé


the plot is pretty much: tintin bumps into some russians (who are all evil by default because this is anti russian/communist propaganda), gets stuck in some situation (e.g. prison/sewer/haunted house), then uses his gary stu powers to fight his way out of it (why does tintin always initially flee when he has proved himself to be the most competent fighter in the world?), and then flees in a vehicle (e.g. car/plane/boat, which will instantly get destroyed by the evil russians in the next scene. because the story was serialised it basically has to be like this, so i don't think you can really hold it against it that much.

the art is not quite there, but also not too dissimilar from the signature tintin style.

not great, but probably a necessary precursor to the actual good tintin adventunes, and it is almost 100 years old now so the odds are stacked against it in regard to holding up against the graphic novels of today.