A review by okayalej
We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness by Alice Walker


This book reminds me of the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions." I feel as though my mind has been stretched so greatly by all of Alice Walker's wisdom, her meditations, and her observations on the world around us.

I revisited my own meanings I attributed to Cuba, the death of Martin Luther King Jr., birth, and how Whiteness impacts all who are touched by it. I sat with Walker's words on practice. Now is not the time to go with out a practice. Whether that be religious, meditative, movement, writing, walking, dancing, singing, reading, or anything worth doing to live toward a healing existence.

Even though this book was written for and in spirit of Black peoples everywhere, I felt that we could all learn more about ourselves through the lens of caring that Alice Walker says is innate to Black peoples everywhere. I felt a hope for the Indigenous ancestors within my blood line when Alice spoke to the hardships experienced by both Native people and Black people at the hands of White supremacy. I felt humbled and grateful for my teachers throughout my life. I felt ready for something new. Inspired would be an easy word to use, but Alice Walker has given the world a gift with her writing. A gift that we should all be grateful to have received. I will be referencing her words for the rest of my life.