A review by mollymortensen
Powerless by Tera Lynn Childs, Tracy Deebs


There isn’t much down time in Powerless. It starts with a bang and never really lets up.

The Good:

Kenna is tough and smart. She does spend too much time thinking of tall dark and villainy, but I still liked her. And there was a little sprinkled humor throughout the book, which I always appreciate.

The side characters were so good I kept wishing to hear from their point of view. I loved her best friend Rebel! I think she’d have made a great protagonist. She’s just so much fun! And maybe a villains point of view too! (I know a book is good when I have a wish list for next time!)

Kenna and her potential love interest bicker almost constantly at first. I prefer banter, but they grew on me. Considering the book only takes place over three days their relationship didn’t feel too quick. (The intensity of her feelings by the end was a bit much for me though.)

We get minimal world building, mostly what we learn about super powered people is in the prologue. I wish there’d been a bit more, like why some people are born with hero powers and others villains and what makes them different.

The Bad:

It didn’t bother me but this is the sort of book where she rarely said says, but gushed, spit, etc. Kenna also has a habit of repeating herself. (Which did annoy me.)

There’s a plot hole near the end, where a previously strong character is suddenly exhausted despite not doing anything.

I also feel I should mention the amazing number of times our ‘heroes’ failed. And the partial cliffhanger ending. (I would’ve read the next book. You didn’t have to torture me like this!)

Overall: A fun book with good characters, though the plot was nothing special. (Almost all action)

Point of View: First present (Kenna)

Predictability: 4 out of 5 (Where 1 is totally unpredictable and 5 is I knew what was going to happen way ahead of time.)