A review by mogojojo1013
Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger


Steel Crow Saga bounces between perspectives of four people as they deal with the aftermath of a revolution. Tala was a Sergeant in the revolution and is now tasked with returning the captive Iron Prince Jimuro to his home in Tomoda. Xiulan is determined to kidnap the prince and present him to her father, the emperor of Shang, to prove her worthiness to inherit the throne. She enlists the help of Lee, a Jeongsonese girl who has been stealing to make ends meet since she was a child. All four learn about themselves and each other as their stories ravel together into one narrative.

The magic system Krueger created for this world is unique. All of the magics are derived from the soul. The people of Shang and Sanbuna are able to bind their souls with the soul of an animal, giving them a partner that is stronger than the original animal. The Tomodanese are able to bind their soul with metal, allowing them to sharpen swords, heat metal, and run cars with a thought. The people of Dahal are able to wield the energy in their souls to create bolts to use as weapons and healing energy as well. Krueger expertly shows the differences in these cultures and how they all interact in the aftermath of a war. His characters undergo change throughout the book, they learn and grow and become better. The story had me on the edge of my seat many many times, biting my nails and wondering how they would make it out of their dire situation. This was a very good read and though it is over 500 pages long it is well worth the read. I loved every moment of it.