A review by j_lbrbsblogs
Bang Bang, You're Dead by Evan Baldock


Gloria is 65 years old and approaching her retirement, she is a widow whose son died after becoming an addict. Life is pretty good Gloria works for the DSS (it’s set in the 90’s), has some good friends, a daughter and her family up in Newcastle and she’s a volunteer in her local community.

She lives in Central London it’s a lovely, amazingly quiet area given how close to the hustle and bustle she is – or at least it was! For sometime now the area has become a place where drugs are traded and with that has seen crimes, such as muggings, increase. Increasingly it is feeling less safe, Gloria sees the area becoming more run down, sees crimes being committed and is even attacked herself. It shakes her up, she’s angry and fed up. Then later from her flat window she sees a man, being chased by police, throw something away in close by gardens.

Wondering what it was Gloria goes to check it out and finds a gun! She’s on her way to the police station to hand it in when she is confronted by the two addicts who tried to mug her earlier, she feels threatened and reaching into her bag she brings out the gun. She hopes to frighten them off but to no avail and Gloria snaps! She shoots them both!

And so begins Gloria’s vigilante days.

Gloria is troubled how could she have done it? She expects the Police to come for her. She is mortified. Then she realises that the Police investigation is getting nowhere.

Over the coming weeks Gloria takes the law into her owns hands when she hears of those criminals threatening and committing violence in similar circumstances. All over the country. Whilst the Police seem to be barking up the wrong tree Gloria realises someone knows what she has done.

What a great idea! Even though murder is nothing to laugh at or support whoever the victims are there’s a little part of you that thinks otherwise, that sympathises with those communities being affected and can see why Gloria has taken this path.

There may be times when you’re baffled by the ineptitude of the Police. There may even be the odd suspension of belief because Gloria does seem to be more than lucky in keeping suspicion at bay.

There is one thing I think can be agreed on and that’s what a good job Evan Baldock has done in bringing us the ultimate antihero in Gloria. You can’t help liking her even if you don’t like what she does! She’s a terrific character.

There is suspense, fear and a grittiness to this story. It’s an unbelievable yet believable story, a story with a dark side to it and which, sadly, reflects what does often happen in today’s society with regards to drugs and drug related crime. It’s quite a debut novel. I very much enjoyed it.


Do check out the rest of the Bang Bang, You’re Dead BlogTour.



Many thanks to Red Dog Press for the invite to this BlogTour and an eCopy of Bang Bang, You’re Dead by Evan Baldock. All thoughts are my own and I have not received any payment for this review.